Academic papers and professional articles contributing to the integral vision,
critical thinking and deeper understanding of potentials of human consciousness in everyday life.
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Neuroplasticity
- Neurobiology
- Knowledge in perception and illusion, Richard L Gregory
(more papers on the subject of active perception and brain research >>) - Cognition does not affect perception: Evaluating the evidence for ‘top-down’ effects by Chaz Firestone & Brian J. Scholl
- Voluntary switching between identities in dissociative identity disorder: A functional MRI case study by Savoy, R. L. et. al., Cognitive Neuroscience, 2012 / 06 Vol. 3; Iss. 2
- How the amygdala affects emotional memory by altering brain network properties Hermans, Erno J. et. al., Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 07 Vol. 112, 2014
- The neurobiology of psychedelic drugs: implications for the treatment of mood disorders Vollenweider, Franz X., Kometer, Michael, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Vol. 11; Iss. 9, 2010
- Neurobiological perspectives of free will and freedom of choice, Daniel A. Drubach, Spirituality and Health International, 2008 Vol. 9; Iss. 2
- Cognitive psychology
- Humanistic psychology
- Transpersonal psychology
- Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology, Dunlosky, J., Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 2013 / 01 Vol. 14; Iss. 1
- Emotional Objectivity: Neural Representations of Emotions and Their Interaction with Cognition, Todd, Rebecca M. et. al., Annual Review of Psychology, 2020 / 01 Vol. 71; Iss. 1
- Memory and Sleep: How Sleep Cognition Can Change the Waking Mind for the Better, Paller, Ken A., Annual Review of Psychology, 2021 / 01 Vol. 72; Iss. 1
- Understanding others, reciprocity, and self-consciousness by Katja Crone, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, volume 17, pages267–278 (2018)
- Self-Actualization Myths: What Did Maslow Really Say? by Compton, William C., Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2018 / 03
- The Negative Side of Positive Psychology, Barbara S. Held, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2004 / 01 Vol. 44; Iss. 1
- Quantum theory
- Epigenetics
- Consciousness & free will
- Copenhagen Quantum Mechanics Emerges from a Deterministic Schrödinger Theory in 11 Dimensional Spacetime Including Weak Field Gravitation, Doyen, G., Drakova, D., Foundations of Physics, 2015 / 8 Vol. 45; Iss. 8
(download PDF >>) - Quantum entanglement, Horodecki, Ryszard et. al., Review of Modern Physics, 2009 Vol. 81; Iss. 2
(download PDF >>) - Buddhism and Quantum Physics: A strange parallelism of two concepts of reality, Thomas Kohl, Christian, Contemporary Buddhism, 2007 Vol. 8; Iss. 1
- Intergenerational transmission of trauma effects: putative role of epigenetic mechanisms, Rachel Yehuda, Amy Lehrner, World Psychiatry, 2018 / 10 Vol. 17; Iss. 3
- Principles and Challenges of Applying Epigenetic Epidemiology to Psychology
Jones, Meaghan J. et. al., Annual Review of Psychology, 2018 / 01 Vol. 69; Iss. 1 - The role of epigenetics for understanding mental health difficulties and its implications for psychotherapy research, Kumsta, Robert, Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 2019 / 03
- Quantum effects in the understanding of consciousness by Stuart R. Hameroff
- The Soul, as an Uninhibited Mental Activity, is Reduced into Consciousness by Rules of Quantum Physics by Mehmet Emin Ceylan et. al.
- Readiness-potentials preceding unrestricted ‘spontaneous’ vs. pre-planned voluntary acts: Comparison of motor preparation potentials preceding a voluntary motor act either spontaneous free or pre-programmed, Libet, Benjamin, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 54, Issue 3, September 1982, Pages 322-335
- Readiness Potential and Neuronal Determinism: New Insights on Libet Experiment, Karim Fifel, Journal of Neuroscience, 2018
- Consciousness and the Problem of Free Will by Allakhverdov, V. M., Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 2019 / 6 Vol. 49; Iss. 5
- Lucid dreaming
- Death and dying
- Non-locality of consciousness
- Psychophysiological Correlates of Lucid Dreaming by Brigitte Holzinger et. al.
Induction of lucid dreams: A systematic review of evidence by Tadas Stumbrys et. al.
- Lucid Dreaming, Nightmares, and Sleep Paralysis: Associations With Reality Testing Deficits and Paranormal Experience/Belief, Drinkwater, Kenneth G. et. al., Frontiers in Psychology, 2020 / 3 Vol. 11
- Stephen T. Davis: After we die: theology, philosophy, and the question of life after death, Strickland, Lloyd, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 2018 / 6 Vol. 83; Iss. 3
- Talking about dying and death: On new discursive constructions of a formerly postulated taboo, Wildfeuer, J. et. al., Discourse & Society, 2015 / 05 Vol. 26; Iss. 3
- Potential Use of Ayahuasca in Grief Therapy, González, Débora, OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 2017
- The near-death experience (NDE) as an inherited predisposition: Possible genetic, epigenetic, neural and symbolic mechanisms, James Lake, Medical Hypotheses, 2019 / 05 Vol. 126
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation, by Ian Stevenson, Transcultural Psychiatry, 1969 / 10 Vol. 6; Iss. 2
- Taking reincarnation seriously: a critical discussion of some central ideas from John Hick, Burley, Mikel, International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 2014 / 05 Vol. 75; Iss. 3
- Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects, Christopher F. Roth, Anthropology of Consciousness, 1998 Vol. 9; Iss. 2-3
- Journal of Consciousness Studies
Discipline: Cognitive science, neurophysiology, philosophy
Web site:
- Cognitive Neuroscience, Current Debates, Research & Reports
Discipline: Cognitive neuroscience including perception, attention, memory, language, action, social cognition, and executive function.
Web site:
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences
An International Journal of Current Research and Theory with Open Peer Commentary
Discipline: psychology, neuroscience, behavioral biology, or cognitive science
- Cognitive Neuropsychology
Discipline: human cognition research, including brain pathology, brain imaging, and the study of developmental deficits.
The Humanistic Psychologist
Discipline: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research; humanistic, existential, constructivist, and transpersonal theories and psychotherapies.
AJOB Neuroscience
Discipline: ethics and the brain sciences, including the ethical, social, and legal dimensions of neuroscience.
Self & Society
An International Journal for Humanistic Psychology
Discipline: traditional humanistic approaches (e.g. Gestalt, person-centered, transactional analysis, encounter and group work, psychodrama, primal integration, focusing, body therapy, and co-counseling).
Europe’s Journal of Psychology (EJOP)
Discipline: scientific psychology featuring original studies, research, critical contributions, interviews, and book reviews written by and intended for psychologists worldwide.
- The British Psychological Society
Offering eleven journals!
- Foundations of Physics
An International Journal Devoted to the Conceptual Bases and Fundamental Theories of Modern Physics
Discipline: the debates on the nature of space and time involving Newton and later Einstein; on the nature of heat and of energy; on the nature of matter and measurement during the early days of quantum theory; on the meaning of renormalization, and many others.
- Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
Discipline: the cultural nature of human conduct and its evolutionary history, anthropology, ethology, communication processes between people and within, as well as between, societies.
- Journal of Neuroscience
Discipline: papers on a broad range of topics of general interest to those working on the nervous system
- Anthropology of Consciousness
Discipline: The journal supports rigorous and empirically-based inquiries into consciousness that utilize diverse methodologies, including ethnographic, scientific, experiential, historical, and alternative ways of knowing.
- International Journal of Philosophy and Theology
Discipline: Provides research at the intersection of philosophy and theology while stimulating creative discussion on the philosophy of religion.